Leonardo Pellicanò, Emma Bădulescu, Alice Peach, Marco Rigoni, Alessandra Vincenzi

curated by Leonardo Pellicanò and Yuliya Say

31.03.2023 — 27.04.2023

Playground is a space which pursues its own dynamics, cut away from the urban fabric. It is a space meant for chasing fears and desires, climbing upwards and then sliding down slopes. When one is truly playing, laughing without restraint, playing with shadows and wielding light, unknown external forces are likely to come into play and take part in the game. The doors  of our perception slide open for new forces to come in, making us vulnerable to their influence, to their gifts and prophecies.

The prophecy contains all that we are neglecting.

How wrong we are to attribute these qualities only to children. Perhaps within each one of us resides a child, who can re-emerge at any moment, with a new weapon to wield.

Photography by Gabriele Abbruzzese