Collisions and Missing Parts

Attila Csörgő and Vadim Fishkin

Colazione a Barriera 2018

in collaboration with Galleria Gregor Podnar

04.11.2018 — 15.12.2018

Barriera presents Collisions and Missing Parts. The exhibition showcases the recent works by Attila Csörgő and Vadim Fishkin. As two artists of the same generation, Csörgő and Fishkin share an interest in science and technology, which they use and interpret with great poetic sensibility and unconstrained playfulness. Through allusions to “Wunderkammer” or cabinet of curiosities, the exhibition Collisions and Missing Parts will present an intricate dialogue between the two artists that reveals an imaginative world of physics, mechanics, puzzles and dreams.

Photography by Cristina Leoncini

Collisions and Missing Parts